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Ian Somerhalder e Paul Wesley farão novo projeto juntos

Os astros planejam lançar um produto que é a cara de ‘The Vampite Diaries’

Ian Somerhalder e Paul Wesley
Foto: Reprodução

OMG! Os nossos eternos irmãos Salvatore, de The Vampire Diaries, Damon e Stéfan, irão se juntar para uma nova parceria! Dá para acreditar? Ian Somerhalder e Paul Wesley estão lançando sua própria linha de uísque, bem no estilo da série, né?

A nova parceria de Ian Somerhalder e Paul Wesley

Pode imaginar se os irmãos Salvatore tivessem o SEU próprio uísque? Bem, está vindo. Paul Wesley e eu estivemos trabalhando sem parar com nossa equipe incrível para fazer isso acontecer. COM paixão, trabalho duro e uma busca/sede incontrolável por qualidade, nós chegamos”, começou escrevendo o ator sobre a novidade.

“Vocês nos deram muitos anos maravilhosos como esses personagens, e queremos trazer algo a vocês para curtirem e trazerem algumas boas memórias de volta! Será divertido. Viajaremos pelo mundo conhecendo muitos de vocês e lançando isso com festas bem divertidas!

Dá só uma olhada no anúncio feito pelo astro em seu Instagram:

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Doing some of my favorite things: drinking/savoring my OWN bourbon, editing photos and working with the team from a @wheelsup8760 King Air 350i on my way to China. Yup, meaning OUR own bourbon… Can you imagine if the Salvatore brothers had their OWN bourbon? Well, it’s coming! @paulwesley and I have been working our asses off with our incredible team to make this happen. WITH passion, hard work and an uncompromising quest/thirst for quality, we have arrived! We want to share with you something very special and dear to us. You’ve given us so many wonderful years as these characters and we want to bring you something to enjoy that brings back some great memories and some good times to come! It’s going to be fun. We’re going to be traveling the WOLRD meeting so many of you and launching this with some very fun parties I must say! How many of you want a taste!? What do you look for in a bourbon? What does your guy or gal look for in a bourbon? Let me know in the comments- I can’t wait to read them! I’m working tirelessly to create and build great companies with products that mean something to you and the world. To generate revenue through business and in turn use those resources for good. Part of our company mission and ethos is to invest profits into helping our world through regenerative agriculture and farming practices. It’s the surest and quickest way to slow climate change by sequestering carbon and producing oxygen. This in turn protects and regenerates our precious water sources paving a way to a healthy future. This is about helping our communities, our farms and our farmers that work so hard to feed us all giving us life. It’s the best way to preserve life for us all and future the generations. I’m proud of the work we’re doing and I can’t wait to hear from you. I’m not there yet, I’m still going to need help with @isfofficial but I’m confident that this will be so successful that I can stop asking you for help and put some substantial projects together for a brighter and healthier present and future! We can’t wait to share this experience with you! Let’s do this! Who’s in??? Cheers! 🥃 Love, Damon and Stefan

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O uísque exclusivo de Ian Somerhalder e Paul Wesley ainda não tem previsão para ser lançado, mas com certeza será um sucesso, não é mesmo? Vai ser uma ótima maneira para os fãs matarem as saudades dos personagens da série da The CW.

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