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Segundo site, já sabem o sexo do bebê de Zayn Malik e Gigi Hadid!

Gigi Hadid e Zayn Malik voltaram
Foto: Reprodução/Instagram

Na terça-feira (28), ficamos chocadas ao ouvir o boato de que Zayn Malik e Gigi Hadid podem estar esperando um bebê. Segundo a fonte da TMZ, a modelo já está grávida de 5 meses – e conseguiu manter o segredo por todo esse tempo. E tem mais, o casal já sabe o sexo do bebê: vai ser uma menina!

Segundo uma fonte da E! News, para eles não importava qual seria o sexo, mas agora eles podem começar a se preparar melhor para a chegada da criança.

Alguns internautas repararam também que a revelação pode ter rolado durante o fim de semana, no meio da festa de 25 anos da Gigi. Isso porque as cordinhas dos balões com o número tinham as cores rosa e azul. Suspeito, hein.

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Had the sweetest day celebrating my 25th birthday with my quarantine family, who made it so special for me, along with all the love I felt from all over the world! Thank you to everyone for the birthday messages, I carried you with me yesterday!! 💛🙏 I am grateful and lucky that my family and friends -near and far- are healthy and safe, and although I missed loved ones I wish I could have celebrated with, know that these times will make us even more grateful for togetherness to be had in the future ! I will never forget my 25th bday! +++The icing on the perfect quarantine bday was finding out my surprise everything-bagel-cake was made by the one and only Cake Boss @buddyvalastro who I have watched for over a decade. I CRIED REAL TEARS! BUDDY! This is a dream come true. I can’t believe you made this cake for me while the bakery is closed. It means more to me than you know, and when we hopefully meet some day you will truly know that there almost isn’t an episode I’ve missed. 10/10 would be a Carlo’s intern whenever needed. 😆 Grateful, honored, your biggest fan. 🥯🥯🥯🥯🍰

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