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“Black Lives Matter”: Jade Thirlwall, do Little Mix, participa de protesto em Londres

“Black Lives Matter”: Jade Thirlwall, do Little Mix, participa de protesto em Londres
“Black Lives Matter”: Jade Thirlwall, do Little Mix, participa de protesto em Londres

Desde o assassinato de George Floyd, protestos tomaram conta dos Estados Unidos e do mundo inteiro. E muitas celebridades já foram às ruas para se unir ao movimento #BlackLivesMatter, como Ariana Grande, Halsey, Camila Cabello e Shawn Mendes

E Jade Thirlwall, do Little Mix, também foi uma das artistas que participaram presencialmente das manifestações. A atriz se uniu a um protesto em Londres, no último domingo (31). 

No início do protesto, a cantora ainda publicou uma carta aberta sobre o movimento nas redes sociais. Jade compartilhou um vídeo com um poema emocionante, inspirado em George Floyd, junto a um texto sincero na legenda. Confira: 

Ver essa foto no Instagram

I’ve chosen to post this poem inspired by George Floyd because my friend @shungudzo always manages to authentically place her emotions and social issues so beautifully into art. It moves me every time ♥️ – I’ve always felt weird about posting and reposting on my story any form of social issue. I guess it’s my own insecurities of feeling too uneducated to speak out or out of fear of coming across as a performative activist or showboating. But we ALL have a part to play in this. I, like so many, have a platform and we all need to be using it. We can’t allow this anymore. Raising awareness is a start. But I urge you all to do more. Sign the petitions, donate to the correct organisations if you can, challenge everyday racism, show love and support and DO MORE. To my white friends, family and followers, use your privilege for good and do the right thing. Educate yourselves. Check 👏🏽 your 👏🏽 white 👏🏽 privilege. I’m not purely talking about social media. We can’t always go off what people are doing on here – it isn’t the only space to show solidarity or support. And as a mixed race woman I want to say that I too understand my privileges and will constantly strive to do better for the black community. – Those not speaking up or taking action…your silence speaks VOLUMESSSSS. You can’t play ignorance justified by feeling uncomfortable, when black people have been made to feel uncomfortable their entire lives in a white privileged, systematically racist and unfair society that is more than happy to benefit from black culture, but isn’t so happy in adhering to the ideals of equality and basic human rights. Can you believe we’re in 2020 and the colour of someone’s skin determines whether they might live or die? – All fights for justice, rights and equality are made when allies step up too. The time is always right to do what is right. – “No one should have to live in fear of those sworn to protect them.” #BlackLivesMatter

Uma publicação compartilhada por jade amelia thirlwall (@jadethirlwall) em

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